Could YOU Use Some Inspiration?
How you rebound from disappointment and disaster
My latest book, BOUNCING BACK!, is about rebounding from failure, poverty, illness, loneliness and tragedy.
It is about discovering resilience we didn’t know we had!
Andrew Matthews pinpoints 7 key things that resilient people do – that WE CAN DO TOO.
Take a PEEK inside:
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What Readers Say
“Absolutely the MOST INSPIRING book I have ever read!”
Jim Kalb, CEO, Triad Group, San Diego
"I LOVE this book! Grappling with an incurable illness, really helps in keeping a positive mindset, staying resilient despite all setbacks."
Lin Xue Ting - Singapore
"I read BOUNCING BACK! following a divorce. It was a complete lifesaver."
Simon Jones - London, UK
Simple Advice
Andrew shares inspiring stories of people who were broke, shattered, defeated – and they got back up.
Get practical tips on how YOU can crush worry, build better habits – and think like happy people think.
BOUNCING BACK! is illustrated with 90 of Andrew’s much-loved cartoons…
What Readers Say:
"Such simple and practical advice! I bought 50 copies for our staff!"
Greg Smedts - Cairns Hardware
"Loving BOUNCING BACK! It's like God-sent for recent times that I am struggling and almost giving up completely. It revived my faith!"
Kristine Yeo - Malaysia
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE BOUNCING BACK! It’s a charger for my soul and mind!."
Cynthia Shaw - Singapore
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