A Shocking Discovery

I grew up thinking that as soon as my life got easier, I would be happy. Then at 25 I discovered something SHOCKING… the happiest people I knew had more problems than me. That made no sense! But maybe you have noticed the same thing… that the most joyful people you know have suffered disappointment […]

5 Tips to Eliminate Negative Thoughts


Feeling depressed or disappointed? Drowning in negative thoughts? Before drugs, try these simple strategies. Does this ever happen to you? You have one slightly negative thought, “I’m short of cash this week”. This leads to another negative thought … “It’s because I’m underpaid at work“… and another … “and I’m underappreciated at home” … followed by … “tonight I’ll […]

5 Happiness Tips Anyone Can Use

5 Happiness Tips Anyone Can Use

Happy people don’t have less problems. They think differently. Is this typical?  You are a month behind in your rent and your credit cards are maxed out.  Your boss wants more results, your twelve-year-old wants to leave home and your Dad won’t stop telling you that you should have been an accountant. And you have a migraine. […]

5 Tips for More Peace of Mind

5 Tips for More Peace of Mind

Is This Typical? You’ve got doctor’s bills, school fees and rent to pay.  Your boss wants more results, your brother-in-law wants you to help him shift house and your twelve-year-old wants a tattoo. Everyone wants your time and money. And your mother won’t quit telling you that you married an idiot. 5 Tips for More […]

Throw Out the Junk

Throw Out the Junk

Did you ever check into a hotel for a week? You walked into your room and it was so CLEAN and TIDY! You felt GOOD. Then you unpacked your stuff. You put stuff in the bathroom, stuff on the desk, stuff on the bed, you left stuff on the floor. And every day you went […]

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