5 Tips for More Peace of Mind

Is This Typical? You’ve got doctor’s bills, school fees and rent to pay. Your boss wants more results, your brother-in-law wants you to help him shift house and your twelve-year-old wants a tattoo. Everyone wants your time and money. And your mother won’t quit telling you that you married an idiot. 5 Tips for More […]
“I Hate My Job! Should I Quit?”

Here are two reasons you may hate your job: the workplace is toxic the work is boring. A Toxic Workplace If you are being bullied or abused at work and you see no way to change things, you need to get out. If the workplace is poisonous, it is destroying you. Better to work anywhere […]
The Most Important Thing You Were Never Taught in School
How often does this happen? You are leaving for work and you tell yourself, “Don’t forget your phone!” What happens? You leave it on the kitchen table. OR … You are on the golf green. It’s a simple putt. You tell yourself, “DON’T screw it up!” What happens? OR … You drive an old wreck for ten years and […]
5 Ways to Begin a Speech
Public Speaking Tips, Part 1: Imagine you’re at a conference. The guest speaker arrives onstage and begins with: a quote we’ve all heard a dull definition, e.g.: “The Oxford Dictionary defines management as …” or a thank you… “Thank you for having me.” Would you be excited? NO! Your Next Speech People want to hear something fresh. Do […]
Little Words, Big Impact: Public Speaking Tips, Part 2
Public Speaking Tips, Part 2: Recall some famous movie lines… “I’ll have what she’s having!” “Show me the money!” “Make my day!” Small words, short phrases. They grab you. The Terminator said, “I’ll be back.” He didn’t say, “I’ll return in the not too distant future.” Why do we hate political speeches? Too many big words that […]
Throw Out the Junk
Did you ever check into a hotel for a week? You walked into your room and it was so CLEAN and TIDY! You felt GOOD. Then you unpacked your stuff. You put stuff in the bathroom, stuff on the desk, stuff on the bed, you left stuff on the floor. And every day you went […]
Declutter Your Home: Less Stuff, More Happiness
Why throwing out the junk makes you happier. CLICK HERE 7 DAYS TO HAPPINESS
The Story Behind “BEING HAPPY!”
The international bestseller that almost never happened. CLICK HERE 7 DAYS TO HAPPINESS
What Successful People Do (They Make Mistakes)
Bouncing back from disaster and disappointment – and why problems aren’t all bad. CLICK HERE 7 DAYS TO HAPPINESS